Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Guest Post for MISS: Summer Budget Fragrances

This week I share some of my Summer budget fragrance for missomnimedia.com.

For more, please click here

What are your favorite Summer budget friendly scents? 


  1. I like the Pacifica Blood Orange perfume, thanks for the reminder. For summer budget fragrances, I am still on a VS kick, I hauled the Bombshell Summer fragrance mist today at the sale. It smells really nice!

    1. Hi Rola,
      Since VS is have their semi-annual sale and yes, I have already began stocking up on bras I'll have to remember to smell that Summer mist. I do have Very Sexy but I think I've outgrown it since I've discovered the (very pricey) world of fragrance. But I'm no snob if I truly love it - I will wear it regardless of price/exclusivity.

  2. The only lotion I ever use that's not Johnson & Johnson is Body Shop Coconut Body Butter!

    1. Your boo must appreciate it when you smell like a fresh and delicious coconut!!
